@MegynKelly says: ‘you wanna black Santa? You better #workbitch’


News flash: Fox News’ Megyn Kelly is culturally ignorant. In her mind, a bunch of white men chasing after a black guy is not an assault…it’s a PGA tour. And the image of a fictional character must, I say MUST, be white!

Oh, and apparently Jesus is ‘white’, too…When Megyn Kelly talks about a “white Christmas”, she isn’t fucking around.

Last week, Fox’s version of “Britney, Unmedicated” decided that it was wise to have an all-white discussion about an article written by a black woman who decided that it was time that the popular image of white Santa should be tweaked in an increasingly diverse America. The essay, authored by African-American Aisha Harris, shared that a “Fat old white man who is ‘melanin deficient'” made her feel ashamed as a child, and Santa should be re-imagined for a culturally-diverse world.

Which kinda makes sense, since first: Santa Claus IS a black man… according to a 1973 song written by Grammy winner Teddy Vann (and sung by his daughter). As far as I know, there are NO songs specifically stating that Santa is white, right?

Second (and make sure you cover your kid’s ears – and Megyn’s –  for this next statement)…SANTA ISN’T REAL, so for Kelly to aggressively CLAIM Santa for the white race is…well…biased at best, racist at worst and incredibly bitchy overall. But that didn’t stop her from slapping whiteness all over Father Christmas, and finding a bunch of white friends to run a PGA all over the idea that Santa is anything but a old, fat Ivory Snow baby.

This didn’t sit well with those who are, and love, ‘the Chocolate’, and they called Megyn Kelly out over the dumb-fuckery that came out of her mouth. Megyn got defensive and spit out this defensive nugget: “so many couldn’t get past the fact that I acknowledged – as Harris did – that the most commonly depicted image of Santa does, in fact, have white skin. By the way, I also did say Jesus was white. As I’ve learned in the past two days, that is far from settled.” Wrapped around that non-apology was a bunch of “it was a joke” references, that seem to reference all of the snarky shit she said during her all-white panel discussion as opposed to in her “HE’S WHITE, DAMMIT!” introduction. While Harris highlighted the image of white Santa as a fact, Kelly went a step further in her into – emphatically demanding that people understand that those white images exist because it’s a fact that Santa IS white: “and by the wayfor all you kids watching at home…Santa just IS white… Santa is what he is and just so you know, we’re just debating this ’cause someone wrote about it…”.

Big diff, Meg. But at least there’s good news: after 43 years of white privilege, someone managed to clue you in to the fact that Jesus isn’t an exclusive member of your country club.

Here’s the non-snarky version of the story: Author Of Santa Article: Megyn Kelly Was ‘Playing The Victim’

2 thoughts on “@MegynKelly says: ‘you wanna black Santa? You better #workbitch’

  1. Did you forget that she stated Santa Claus originated from St Nick? Or did you hear what you wanted to hear? All things do not have to be politcally correct.

    • Yeah, I heard it…thanks. However, she didn’t open her segment by stating that one of the historical inspiration for Santa was white, she declared (to kids) that Santa IS white, on the same day a black kid was admonished for dressing as Santa. Short-sighted at the least. Thanks for the comment, and as Bill O’Reilly’s show said this week, “Happy Holidays!”

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